What my Son Teaches me!

2014-06-13: At 3 yrs 11 months, my son "ventured" out alone today for the first time! He went on a school trip to the beach. While he has been excited for the last 10 days (he woke up early today!), we have been very scared, so much so that his mother decided to secretly tag along and spy on him, just to be sure he is safe! 
I know, I know; a few years later, we will be embarrasses and may even laugh at it, but this what being a parent means. I still remember his first day in school! I had planned to stay the full 2.5 hrs, just so he doesn't feel lonely, but it just turned to be quite disappointing! He actually waved me good-bye and asked me to leave! Here we were, expecting our child to break into tears :( 
I am sure every parent goes through this heart breaking moment when their child  ventures out in the big bad world, all alone; but I am happy we had the courage to let go (almost), and let him learn his ways through this "big, bad world". 
I am already PROUD of YOU, my SON!
2012-08-02: How time flies! He is two years old now. We celebrated his birthday at Pizza Hut in Cardiff; it was fun, and luckily, a bright sunny day! He is turning into quite an explorer; he kept running into the Pizza Hut's kitchen. And we had a tough job trying to bring him back into the party area. Lovely day, it was! In the end we were left with lots of Pizzas and cakes, which had to be distributed among those who were interested.

2011-06-07: Practice makes a man perfect! How many times have we heard this?
I have seen it in action; my son practices everything he sees us do, until he has learned it. The latest in learning to wave his hand when we say bye-bye. I often see him busy with himself, practicing his moves - twisting his wrist, and twiddling his fingers (atleast trying to).
Daksh is also learning new words, though its difficult to understand which language is it. He had been utterring "da-da" for the last few days, until we heard "Daksh" and "di-di" from his mouth.
It feels so good! I doubt I would be happier if he joins Harvard business school a few years from now.

2011-05-07: Its wonderful to see a child obsessed with an idea. Its similar to the obsession that makes great sportsmen, businessmen, artists, leaders - single minded devotion to learning a skill. e.g. Daksh is now learning to spin a top, with almost anything that he can, correction, he is allowed to lay his hands on. It started with the maid spinning her bangles; this caught his fancy so much that he has started spinning almost anything he can lay his hands on - pen, pieces of toys, bottle caps, steel tumblers, bowls, mobile, even pieces of paper!

Its Fun, watching a child grow up, filled with wonder about everything around him, getting excited about a tiny thread he finds.

2011-05-02: It  feels great, Really Great, to see him light up his face when he sees me. To see him leave his mom, and granny, and whatever he was doing, to rush up to me; to jump into my arms with a broad smile on his face.
I don't know what he sees in me, but I feel proud.
Maybe these are the perks of being a father.
Maybe its natures way to develop the bond between a father and a son... My son!

By the way, did I tell you that he uttered "pa pa" before "ma ma"; thats another feather in my cap!


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